Park's climate is classified as tropical. The average temperature is 24.6 °C. In a year, the average rainfall is 1139 mm.Precipitation is the lowest in June, with an average of 0 mm. Precipitation is the lowest in June, with an average of 0 mm. With an average of 231 mm, the most precipitation falls in December. At an average temperature of 26.2 °C, October is the hottest month of the year. July has the lowest average temperature of the year. It is 22.7 °C.
How to Get There
- By Air
Several companies like Zantas air, Safari air link (SAL) arrange charter flight from Dar es Salam, Mwanza or Arusha cities to either Mpanda airport which is located in Mpanda town or to Sitalike and Ikuu airstrips inside the park. Usually every Monday and Thursday. Coastal Aviation Charted flight within the park Ikuu airstrips.
- By Road
From either Dar es Salaam via Mbeya (1513Km), Dar es Salaam via Tabora (1392km), Arusha via Tabora (1015.7km) or Mwanza via Tabora-Inyonga (741 km).
- By Rail
The park is endowed with various tourism activities that visitors can do during their visit. The activities includes; Nature Walking Safaris (Short Walking Safaris (SWS)), Long Walking Safaris (LWS), , Picnicking, Filming, Camping, Birding, Bush meals, Night Game Drive, Hiking and Game Viewing .
- Special campsites
- places that are identified as potential with maximum exclusivity for visitors to stay for a night, usually these places don’t have facilities; ensure everything inn should be taken out. Pre booking through park contacts is required.Long walking safari (Chorangwa Hiking Trail)
- Long walking safari (Chorangwa Hiking Trail) It takes more than five hours walking, more than 10kms long.
- Short walking safari (Sitalike Walking Trail)
- Short walking safari (Sitalike Walking Trail) that range from 1-9kms Long, it takes more than three hours.